Friday, October 1, 2010

Zucchini and Such

I do realize that once a month on here should be grounds for my termination... good thing I know the boss-lady so well. I have a plethora of excuses... ahem, reasons. Most of which revolve around new digs, painting, staining, sanding, hanging, cleaning, priming, etc., etc.

With all of that said, I was able to make it to Cassidy yesterday. Really great to see all of the old faces and some of the new ones. Crys says it's been a really smooth start so far. I settled back into my tickle-monster status within seconds. Even the new kids ran over, all smiles, for some chasing. Really nice to take a break and play for a bit. I love that in a world of grown-up stresses, Cassidy takes it away. Without sounding too mushy, it's nice to have a reset button there. Seeing the smiles and laughter remind me what's really important.

We're getting the small fountain relocated for the toddlers in the small yard soon. I've also been gracefully appointed my old job of cleaning (and by cleaning, I mean taking the sand out) the big fountain again. Given my schedule as of late, the kids are probably just playing in another sandbox that looks a lot like a fountain. We've got some more sand coming soon, too. I really think some of the kids have been taking bags of it home in their pockets.

Crys pulled these out of the garden this week.

Not sure of their fate, but I can vouch for their deliciousness... I had some this summer with a little olive oil and salt.

Happy October.

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