Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Day In the Life of a Preschool Owner: Episode 352 - The Bus and the Onion

Mr. Ryan told me today about his classroom sink. It was full of yellow water and backed up nearly to the top. I promptly forgot about it (not on purpose) and kept trying to figure out how in the world we were going to do the class shots. Lucky for me, a parent had a really good lens for my camera, so I climbed up on our really really tall ladder and, after a few minutes of berry wrangling, we got off a few shots. Though much to the dismay of several teachers and Crystal, one Raspberry laid face down for every one of the 53 shots I got... we tried... he was having none of it. Maybe it'll be funny to show his girlfriend when he's 17 and super duper dramatic about his curfew.

So, the day ended and teachers went home. Crys had to remind me about the sink. Oh yeah, I completely forgot. The water was still yellow and still right around the rim... the perfect job for our resident handy-guy. But, let's all be honest... I like fixing things. That's the "man" talking. Anyway, after giving it my plumber's best, still nothing. I got it apart enough to see something was lodged down there. The last time something was lodged, it was a tube of lipstick in a printer... I really couldn't wait to see what treat I was in for. After forking and knifing it for 5 minutes, I saw 2 little lights come on. What? Could it be? Yes, yes it was. The Big Blue Bus... oh, and an onion. Little lessons of life: Don't let kids wash their hands... ever.

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