Sunday, August 9, 2009

Much More About the Car

Okay, so blogging on a Sunday isn't a big deal. I'm really on here to gloat. I just took out my first engine. It's out, broken down, and in a terrible wreck of pieces in our laundry room. It's the first time I've ever seen the inside of a car engine. What amazes me more than just seeing a bunch of metal that actually creates power is the fact that the engineers designed every little piece without a computer. Yes, I feel a bit "young" saying that, but it's across-the-board amazing. Don't worry, it balances out Crys' girly side.

Today, Crys and one of our teachers went shopping. I thought they were just going to the building for labeling, but they came back with a car full of toys, chairs, buckets, baskets, and spools. It's all really perfect.

We ended the day with a nice dinner, wine, and conversation with friends. Does it get any better?

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