Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Welcome to the Jungle

It couldn't have gone better. Perfect weather. Perfect location. Perfect night. Thanks so much to all of the Cassidy Parents, enrolled in Preschool and Kinder Kids, for joining us tonight. It was so nice meeting you all and getting to know more about your families. If I didn't get to meet you personally, please seek me out next time. I tend to get wrapped up in conversation and lose touch with the mingling social butterfly side of me... well, that's not true at all... there is no butterfly.

On that note, seeing how everyone got along tonight made me remember what we're doing here. There is a beautiful community around Cassidy already and the doors aren't even open. All of the RSVP's even showed up. Come on, it's LA... that's unheard of, right?

I did learn two things about this blog tonight. 1) Many more people than I would have thought are actually keeping up with it... so thanks. It's turned into a nice way to keep in touch with those interested. 2) Most people think it's Crystal's blog. Sorry folks. It's just her husband.

I should be at the building tomorrow for an update. It's late... going to sleep.

Thanks again for tonight.

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