Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The List

I just made my list for tomorrow. Honestly it's been a while (say a month maybe) since I made myself a list. I'll be the first to tell you I forget everything... except random numbers and facts about electronics and old cars. Everything else... gone. Anyway, the last list I made was more about construction. Call Joe about the tile, email Steve about the sign, call Bruce about the countertops, ask about patching the Blueberry wall, etc. My list now, much like this blog, has evolved. There's like 3 construction things on it and the rest are fun things. Build the last airplane, call back the newspaper who wants to do a story on us, send the pics from ABC being there today, etc. I love it. My point is, the tide is turning. As much as we're still non-stop, we're getting a chance to breathe and enjoy what we've created.

Crys has been doing parent coffees with the different rooms and organizing committees for our activities throughout the year. It's pretty neat seeing how excited everyone is to help get Cassidy going. There are lots of ways to help, so if you're reading this and have questions, please contact us.

The Halloween thoughts are already coming. One of the parents even brought pumpkins today. Yes, we're dressing up... and maybe even Trick-or-Treating (soy, organic, nut-free, environmentally friendly, low-fat, politically-correct candy of course).

The Strawberries did a little Guerilla Gardening today for ABC local news. I'll keep you all posted on when it should air.

My dogs have already turned in for the night... guess I should, too.

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