Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Metaphor

First off, Tuesday night was a blast. We had our Back To School Night at Cassidy and parents came to learn more about their teachers, the classrooms, and got a chance to see what's in store for the year. The best part about the entire night (well, besides my friend bringing me Chik-Fil-A from Irvine) was seeing how seriously everyone was taking the classroom projects. It's fun to watch completely grown up people with Elmer's Glue, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, and construction paper. The kids loved their little surprises the next day.

Today was our final final final inspection from Santa Monica and it went well. We had to wait because they threw an ADA sink at us in the 11th hour... boy is it a beauty. Not so much because the actual sink is all that beautiful (it's simply stainless steel with a chrome faucet... much like in your grandfathers basement next to the gin), but the metaphor of the sink... ah yes, there it is. Finality. Inspectionous Overous. No more Tum Ta Tum Tum Tuuuuums.

Yesterday I hung some cool little carpet rugs from the ceiling to scare off the sounds that bounce down our hallway. Parents, if you're reading this... shhhhhhhhh... preschool in session. We'll see what silence they bring.

There is a 4th plane in my car just waiting to be assembled and hung in the Raspberry room. I guess if you're not going to Cassidy, you have no idea what that means... hmmm, all the more reason to be going to Cassidy. You're reading this blog. You know you wanna.

We finally got our cameras for each classroom (no, not the ones where you guys can watch your children online). You may be saying to yourself, "Self, I wonder why it took so long for Cassidy to get their cameras." Well, just know it was ALL my fault. I like deals so I waited and waited and none were to be had. I broke down.

Thanks for all of your good words with Cassidy. It's so great to know what we've worked so hard to get open is now providing happiness for not only the kids, but the families, too.

On a very personal note, Crys and I cooked for the first time in what would seem to be months. Chill night with Curb and House, topped off with a little NFL and Top Gear. Does it get any better?

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